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Insights on Spain, Startups, Tech, Innovation and Unicorns
In-depth insights and analyses on startups in Spain and the Innovation ecosystem in general. Researching unicorns in Spain? These insights focus on the founders, leaders and tech talent that are building game-changing startups. Names to remember.
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Jan 78 min read
10 deep tech stars from Spain selected to become European unicorns, as part of the EIC Scaling Club
10 deep tech stars from Spain are selected to the EIC Scaling Club, funded by the European Innovation Council (EIC), joining 120 scale-ups.

Nov 17, 202412 min read
Will these 17 regional impact startup ambassadors from TOP101 Spain Up Nation grow into unicorns?
Crowned the 17 regional impact startup ambassadors in Spain, among 101 early-stage startups by Spain Up Nation. Potential impact unicorns?

Nov 5, 20246 min read
Early-stage deep tech startups from Spain part of the SynergistEIC project
5 early-stage, deep tech startups from Spain are part of the SynergistEIC project for Climatetech, Cleantech, Circular Economy and Agritech.

Dec 7, 202311 min read
The EIC fund has approved €1 billion to Deeptech VC investments: 15 startups in Spain
These 15 Spanish companies within deep tech, in various sectors, have all received part of the €1 billion VC investment from the EIC Fund.

Nov 27, 202315 min read
💶 Fundraising, early-stage impact startups in Spain
Fundraising Spanish, early-stage impact startups, including tech sectors green tech, deep tech, clean tech, ag tech, bio tech, ocean tech.

Sep 5, 202310 min read
Why global tech talent will choose Spain as their base camp - 5 main reasons
5 main reasons why global tech talent will choose Spain as their base camp

Aug 1, 20238 min read
Renewable/green hydrogen from Spain- their top export of the future?
If Spain can guarantee enough production of renewable energy and investment in storage solutions, then exporting green hydrogen is possible.

May 8, 202312 min read
2023,a pivotal year for Deep tech investing and venture building in Spain?
It looks like deep tech investing and deep tech venture building are to really take off in Spain in 2023. Here is why.

Oct 28, 20226 min read
3 Spanish, impact unicorns: present, short- and long-term
Why fashion tech, ag tech and auto tech are likely to breed more impact unicorns in Spain.

Oct 3, 20227 min read
7 must-know Spaniards building the metaverse ecosystem from Spain
7 key Spanish people to know about before you join the metaverse conversation in Spain, be it online, offline, as you, or as the avatar you

Sep 8, 20224 min read
Circularity Champions in Spain, 5 startups pushing a circular economy
Five circular economy startups from Spain that challenge us on ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. What would happen if we all improve our...

Mar 8, 202211 min read
Unicornesses to-be; Spanish unicorn candidates with female tech founders
3 Unicornesses to-be, these amazing Spanish women in tech have raised substantial capital and can serve as role models for women worldwide.

Oct 1, 20216 min read
Valencia is the place to set up a Spanish office, 4 reasons
Valencia, Spain, checks all of the boxes when it comes to what startup founders want and prioritize when expanding into new markets.

Jun 11, 20216 min read
Creative recount of Spanish unicorns: 5 (Cabify, Glovo, Idealista, Flywire, Wallbox)
Some will say "just" 2, some will argue that there are 3, or maybe even 4. As of today (June 2021), the more creative souls will claim...

May 25, 20216 min read
Spain's sandbox delivers more Fintech unicorns after Flywire's Nasdaq debut
- 18 projects made it into Spain's first regulatory sandbox. Have you ever built a sand castle on the beach? Just playing and enjoying...

May 14, 20214 min read
Spain reclaims its former clean-energy dominance in Europe's green transition
- "Europe needs Spanish renewables" I have this strong (maybe unrealistic but anyway..) belief/dream that one very bright day, close to...

Apr 19, 20216 min read
6 soon-to-become unicorns from Spain
- being acquired no longer the only exit-option? "Spain + unicorn", this site gets a lot of traffic from people searching for that...

Mar 18, 20214 min read
Capital efficiency drives international investors to Spain
- Spanish startup founders make every Euro count. You know the expression for buying any type of product or service: "Fast, low-cost,...

Mar 2, 20214 min read
The 2 biggest startup exits in Spain 2020 from the same buyer
- 3 possible key factors EQT group was behind both of the biggest acquisitions in Spain during 2020. What does this Swedish private...

Jul 24, 20205 min read
Most talked about HealthTechs in Spain
You know the saying "Your wealth is in your health"? With the pandemic taking over conversations on a daily basis that makes more sense...

Jun 20, 20204 min read
Spain aims for global leadership in CleanTech and Transportation
- Renfe and Iberdrola finance zero-emission startups. When it comes to High-Speed Technology and affordable and clean transportation...
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